Hvordan ser Bymarka ut for deg?
One Landscape, Many Landscapes er et kunstprosjekt som ønsker å fange et øyeblikksbilde av de mange ulike måtene Bymarka blir oppfattet av menneskene som bruker, kjenner og elsker den. Vi håper å stille ut en samling av kart, tegnet av folk som deg, i en bok som vil bli vist fram på kafeer i Bymarka, samt i en utstilling i byen.
Nicks kart
I primarily know Bymarka by the species that I have seen, the lakes that I have swum in, the viewpoints, and the places where I have had fun with my friends and family. I am a keen, if very amateur, wildlife photographer, so many of these drawings are based on photos I have taken. The map also reflects the opportunities Bymarka affords to involve myself in the customs and activities of my adopted country, including picking berries and mushrooms, and cros-country skiing.
frances kart
The depicted map shows how I experience Bymarka, which is along its trails and to its lakes, within the little region shown (which is very close to where I live, so I go there often). The green scratches show all the areas I have yet to really become acquainted with, as I do not so frequently venture that far afield. But I am excited to do more exploring when spring arrives. The yellow circles are my ‘happy’ spots, which is why I use this beautiful yellow to depict that. I often hang up my hammock there for a chill afternoon reading, or head towards the café hytter on my meditative walks with the goal of splurging on something sweet when I’ve arrived.
Caitlins kart
It was hard to squeeze everything I wanted to draw on one map! Bymarka has been a constant in my life for several years now, through rain and mud and snow and fog and sun. One thing I noticed while making this map was that there are a lot parts of the Bymarka that I feel like I know well through the full seasonal cycle, and some other parts that I mostly associate in my mind with one particular season. I'm a bit inspired now to head out and fill in some more of this seasonal detail in my own mental map :)
Vi vil gjerne at du tegner din versjon av skogen ved hjelp av et omrisskart som kan lastes ned nedenfor.
Dette kan gjøres digitalt, på papir eller i et hvilket som helst format du ønsker. Du kan inkludere steder, bygninger, stier, dyr, planter, mennesker eller hva enn du mener er viktig. Det er helt opp til deg! Vi har tatt med eksempler fra prosjektteamet ovenfor, men ditt kart trenger ikke å se sånn ut i det hele tatt. Vi håper å se mye variasjon og personlige tolkninger!
Du kan laste ned en digital kopi av kartet her.
Digitale versjoner eller bilder av kartet kan sendes inn via Google-skjema her eller Dropbox her.
Papirversjoner kan sendes pr post eller overleveres direkte ved avtale. Send til Nick Harvey Sky, Arkitekt Christies gate 7, 7012 Trondheim eller ta kontakt på nick.c.harvey@gmail.com for å avtale henting.
For å følge prosjektet, meld deg på e-postoppdateringer eller bli med i Facebook-gruppen.
Fristen for innsending av kart er 7. mai 2025.
Trykk for mer informasjon
What does Bymarka look like to you?
One Landscape, Many Landscapes is an art project that is seeking to get a snapshot of the diverse ways that Bymarka is perceived by the people who use, know and love it. We hope to exhibit a collection of maps drawn by people like you in a book that will be displayed in cafes within Bymarka, and at an exhibit in the city.
We would like you to draw your version of the forest using an outline map which can be downloaded below.
This can be done digitally, on paper, or in any format you like. You can include places, buildings, tracks, animals, plants or people or whatever you think is important. It is completely up to you! We have included examples from the project team above, but they don’t have to look anything like these, we are hoping for a wonderful variety!
You can download a digital copy of the map here.
Digital versions or photos can be submitted via a Google form here or Dropbox here
Paper versions can be sent by post or Nick can collect them. Send them to Nick Harvey Sky, Arkitekt Christies gate 7, 7012 Trondheim or email nick.c.harvey@gmail.com to organise a collection!
To follow the project sign up for email updates or join the Facebook group
The deadline for submitting a map is 7th May 2025.