Nick Harvey Sky

I am currently a postdoc on the CONLAB project at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Bergen, Norway. My research focuses on labour dynamics in conservation. Before that I worked in policy, at Citizens Advice and the British Ecological Society. CV here (link opens PDF in new tab).

My wider research interests on the social side include the role of zoos and how people percieve, connect to, represent and feel about nature. On the biological side I am interested in conservation physiology and other methods for advising conservation planning in a changing world.

During my PhD I was part of the Behaviour, Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Research Group at the University of Manchester. My research focused on the conservation physiology of the Eastern black rhino and how metabarcoding can link diets and gut health to indvidiual fitness and population performance. Ultimately, this can aid in their population management. This project was a collaboration with Chester Zoo where I was a Conservation Scholar.

As well as my slightly more serious work, I like to write and am a keen if slightly less-than-proficient photographer. The other pages of this website show collections of my research, articles and photography. Please do get in touch!