Purpose of the project

You are invited to participate in an art project where the main purpose is to get a snapshot of the diverse ways that Bymarka is perceived by the people who use, know and love it. Anyone who knows Bymarka is welcome to participate! We are distributing an outline map of the forest and are asking people to draw on them in whatever medium they like, focusing on the features, species, things, areas or anything else they think are important. 

This project is inspired by the idea of a palimpsest landscape, where different landscapes are layered in the same physical space because people have vastly different ways of knowing, understanding and seeing the same place.

We hope to exhibit the resulting collection of maps in several ways:

  1. A book that will be displayed in some of the hytter and cafes within Bymarka

  2. An exhibit in a venue in Trondheim, hopefully with a launch event of some kind

While these publications will be the primary result of the project, we may also use the maps in, follow-on projects.

What does participation involve for you?

If you choose to take part in the project, you will be asked to draw your version of Bymarka within this outline. Don’t worry if you don’t think your drawing skills are up to scratch, the variety is the magic we are looking to capture. 

You can make the map however you think best, in any format and including whatever is important to you. If you want to do it on paper you can use pencils, pens, paints, pastels or anything else. If you’re doing it digitally you can use any program. You can include places, buildings, tracks, animals, plants or people. You can do it in black and white or colour. The message we want to get across is that how you do this is completely up to you! There are just two rules we want you to follow. Please:

  1. Use the A4 outline map we supply, rather than making your own or resizing it. This consistency will just make it easier to set the maps in the resulting book or exhibition

  2. Don’t look at a map of Bymarka while you make your map. This is not a test, and we are not looking for accurate representations. The wilder, bolder and more fantastical the better!

The digital submission form includes an option to sign up for email updates or join a Facebook group to be updated on the project and details of exhibits and events. There are also options for you to fill in your name, age, and short description of your map if you would like those to be included in the final exhibit. These are all completely optional and your map will be included if you decide not to provide these.

Participation is voluntary

Participation in the project is voluntary. If you chose to participate, you can withdraw your consent at any time without giving a reason. There will be no negative consequences for you if you choose not to participate or later decide to withdraw.

The name of one of the project coordinators is included below, and you may email Nick after you have submitted your map to withdraw your consent to have your map or other information you supplied be included in the collection and/or to request that your email address be removed from the mailing list. We will then try our best to identify and remove your map and/or information. Please note that the deadline for the submission of maps is 7 May. After that point we will begin collating the maps and it will not be possible for you to withdraw your map or other information. 

Your personal privacy – how we will store and use your personal data

We will only use your personal data for the purpose(s) specified here and we will process your personal data in accordance with Norwegian and EU data protection legislation (the GDPR).  Only the team members named below will have access to the information that you share with us before publication/exhibition. All data will be stored securely.

In the resulting books and/or exhibitions, names and ages will only be included if you choose to supply them. Email addresses will only be used to update you on the project including exhibitions and publication.

What will happen to your personal data at the end of the research project?

The planned end of the project is summer 2025. Following this date and a final update on the project, all email addresses will be deleted. Names, ages and descriptions will be stored along with digital copies of maps to potentially use in follow-on projects.

Your rights

So long as you can be identified in the collected data, you have the right to object, and to request access to, correction or deletion of the data we are processing about you. You will then hear from us within a month. We will provide you with a good reason if we believe that you cannot be identified, or that your rights cannot be exercised. You also have the right to lodge a complain with the Data Protection Authority about how we are processing your personal data.

Where can I find out more?

If you have questions about the project, either before or after submitting a map, or want to exercise your rights, contact Nick Harvey Sky - nick.c.harvey@gmail.com